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Whats in the hut for eventON

Published on: June 13,2014

Hi guys wanted to write a real news post other than the fixes I’ve been posting. First of all I want to apologize for the fixes I had to issue. You know we test the plugin so many times before releasing updates but those buggers some how get in there. But thats why this news fixes are for. So you guys can grab the fix real quick without having to wait for another big update to the whole plugin and move on, and I hope that has been helpful for you guys. In the future if you have any issues with eventON be sure to check news page first to see if we have posted a fix for that bug already in here.


Ok, on to more interesting things. I know I have been promising the event tickets addon for a long time, but had to push it further down the road because we had to spend time building and update existing addons and main plugin so fix bugs and give you guys a smoothless experience with EventON.


Sneak Peak of Event Tickets

So things are finally coming together for tickets addon which will be powered by WooCommerce. Here is a sneak peak of front-end with event tickets that is using variation pricing.

Photo Jun 13, 10 21 04 AM

And yes we got some cricket playing in the background Sri Lanka Vs England 🙂

Lot of exciting stuff here and I just can’t wait to share the new tickets addon with you guys. Please stay tune for updates via @myeventon and eventON news.

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