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Virtual Events, Gutenberg and other recent updates to EventON
Published on: June 16,2020
In version 2.8.9 we took steps to include virtual event support for EventON calendar events. Since then we have been working on improving the virtual events feature and making it more compatible with our addons.
RSVP & Tickets Compatibility
With latest version of RSVP and tickets addon you can now select how the virtual event information should be displayed.
RSVP v 2.6.10 with Virtual Events Compatibility
This version of RSVP addon support virtual events, so that a customer will only see the virtual event information only after they have RSVP-ed to the event. The virtual event access information is also emailed to customer in their confirmation email.
Tickets v 1.8 with Virtual Events Compatibility & Other Additions
Similar to RSVP addon ticket addon can also email virtual event access information in the confirmation email once the customers order is processed.
Name Your Price with Tickets
The other cool thing we added to tickets addon is the name your price feature.
Name your price is pretty cool – you can also set a minimum price, so customers can make payments above that low value. This is very useful for collecting donations for things like yoga classes or charitable events. Currently this does not support in variable ticket products.
Apart from that we made overall design layout upgrades to make your eventON calendar events look top notch and stand up to catch the eye of your stylish visitors.
Booking v 1.2 New Styles
We did some major improvements to booking addon. From the get go the booking slots on frontend can now be set as calendar view or as time slots view.
New Auto Generate Blocks Feature
We’ve listen to you and we have added an easy auto generator that will create time slots with just one click – between start and end time and you can set how long each time slot is and price for each.
Backend Booking Block Manager has also changed in design with this new version. You can easily see the time slots and how many spots left and how much each cost and how many attendees have reserve each time slot – super quick glance.
Gutenberg Improvements
With EventON 2.8.10 the event post is now supporting gutenberg block type editing. All event categories, colors, feature image and extra images are now on (inspector control) on right side. You still have to go to eventON settings > EventCard Data to enable and arrange the order of how each event data boxes are shown on frontend. We are hoping to eventually move that into Gutenberg as well.
EventON Gutenberg block on pages and posts has been improved now to work seamlessly with gutenberg blocks.
You can easily add eventON block to anywhere you want and use our amazing shortcode generator to create whatever calendar you want for that block.
Shortcode Generator Improvements
EventON Shortcode generator also has been improved. With EventON Gutenberg block – if you click on shortcode generator after a shortcode is created, the shortcode generator can now open with all the shortcode values already selected.
We also added collapsable sections inside the shortcode generator to make things neatly organized and easy to find as we keep adding on more options driven by shortcodes variables for calendar.
These are some of the bigger developments we have implemented into EventON system over the past few weeks. We hope you enjoy these new improvements that will propel your EventON calendar events into virtual events world and still help you generate income in a COVID19 world. Stay safe and stay positive!