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RSVP Events addon update & new addon page

Published on: June 18,2014



I am super excited to introduce to you the next version of RSVP Events addon. I have been spending lot of time in the past few days ironing things out and adding some amazing featured to this addon. We are bringing this to a whole new level now.


Some Amazing Additions

Captcha validation

Yes captcha code validation is now seamlessly added to RSVP form. This will make sure the form submissions are not coming from unnecessary sources. Also made some improvements to validations of general form content.


Change RSVP

Made lot of improvements to change RSVP form. You can now find your RSVP with RSVP ID and first name and then change RSVP status and count.


RSVP Capacity

Its here, you can set RSVP capacity for limited space events and you can now show remaining RSVP spots on the site that will dynamically change in real-time.


Updates to Email Templates

Super neat email template for notification and confirmation emails. We listen to your suggestions and have added reply-to field to help admin notifications email to get back to RSVP attendee quickly.


Additional Form Felds

I have added upto 3 additional text fields that you can add to RSVP form. You can also set these as required fields.


User Control

Now you can control what logged-in users see and also have form fields pre-fill for logged-in users.


These are some of the features that were added to 1.0 version of RSVP addon and I hope you guys will enjoy this. We have a lot more cool and neat things in the plan for RSVP addon in the future and I hope you are up for the ride. If you haven’t already you can buy RSVP addon from here.



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