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This news update is little late mainly due to the fact I’ve been busy trying to tie in lot of things for eventON and doing updates to landing pages. Anyways, I sent out a newsletter to some of you about the EventTicket addon for eventON, so thank you for opening that email and responding to the newsletter campaign.
I am super excited to introduce to you guys the EventTickets addon for EventON. I know some of you waited a long time, but I hope I can make your wait worth while with this addon.
What is this new addon
EventTickets for is powered by Woocommerce (WC) – the best ecommerce plugin for wordpress. So all those awesome features in WC can now be used with eventON with this new addon.
Cool features
This addon support single prices and variable prices for event tickets. You can learn more about how to set up variable prices for event tickets in here.
You can set remaining seats or spaces for an event, to get people excited about buying a ticket.
This addon also allow, sending our unique ticket IDs and ticket emails and checking attendance at the event.
Read more about all the features
The future for EventTickets Addon
Oh man.. we already have a huge list of amazing features that I want to add to eventTickets addon in the future updates. Just to mention a few: QR code checkins and seating charts. So its super excited the road ahead. I hope you guys will enjoy this addon if you haven’t already please check it out!
Learn more about Event Tickets