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Health Guidelines for EventON in 3.0

Published on: October 26,2020

We have released the version 3.0 big update to eventON end of last week with several major updates.

During the current global situation, the health of humans are vitally important and so is providing proper guidelines for health when you are organizing physical events. In 3.0 we added a special health guidelines section for eventON.

See how to add health guidelines to events

We truly hope this will help our dear eventON users will find this useful.

Health Guidelines in ActionUser v2.2.3

We also included these fields support for actionUser front-end event submission form. These fields will also be supported with actionUser Plus for paid event submission form fields.

Virtual Events Improvements

We have added several improvements for virtual events for eventON in version 3.0. With current global situation, virtually hosted events helps immensely for eventON business owners to still maintain online business and generate income through virtual events. We hope the improvements in 3.0 will help strengthen and build confidence in business owners and their customers to virtual events as the new method of organizing and attending events from the comfort of their homes.

Live Progress Bar

Live progress bar and time left along with local user event time using “View in my time” button are some of the amazing additions.

Happening Now

We also added a real-time happening now events calendar view to 3.0. This will provide a real-time live view to online event attendees of what is taking place at the moment and what is coming up on a busy online events day that is filled with several back to back events.


We hope the new updates we have included in eventON 3.0 will help you continue to maintain your businesses and practices online.

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