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FIX: Eventon Addon activated but not effective

Published on: June 13,2014

If you have eventon installed correctly but your eventON addons still shows a message like Addon activated by not effective please try the solution below to get rid of this bug.


Open the main php file inside ../wp-content/plugins/eventon-addon-folder

eg. if dailyview the main php file name should be eventon-daily-view.php


In this file under  _contruct() function right before the if statement if(file_exists($url)) add the below code above this line. (Should be around line 45)


$url = str_replace($this->addon_data[‘slug’], ‘eventON’, $this->addon_data[‘plugin_path’]);
$url .= ‘/classes/class-evo-addons.php’;



Save changes and you should be able to solve the bug. As always this solution will be implemented in the next update to addons.



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