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Events Map is back

Published on: May 9,2016

I am delighted to tell you today that we are bringing Events map addon back live. We did some major improvements to the addon primarily in the area of correctly putting map markers and speed.


With eventON version 2.3.22 update all event locations should have auto generated latitude and longitude. This will be used on the new events map addon to generate map markers. What we have done is google maps geocode string addresses for locations into backend when a new event is added to convert address to LatLng and avoid this taxing conversions from frontend google maps API. We found out this as the primary cause for incorrect map markers in previous map addon versions.

Now using the LatLng already saved for event locations, google maps API should be able to run the markers lot faster and with accuracy than before.

get the maps addon now See maps in action


New EventON 2.3.22

Latest eventON include the above mentioned upgrade to event locations. Along that we also included a visual composer (VC) elements block for eventON. However there is a small bug in the code that comes for those not using VC below patch can be used for that.

replace into eventon/includes/

See complete changelog.


New ActionUser Update

ActionUser update version 2.0.2 address several fixes and incorporate the new location LatLng values added in the latest eventON version. (Changelog)

Hope you guys will enjoy these new updates and we are going to be continuously making improvements and add several new exciting new addons to eventON library this summer.

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