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We are pleased to introduce EventON 4.7. Pathway for a new era with AI integration with EventON. With this update we made several UI changes and resolved several known issues.
Key Updates in Admin Side
UI for Event Edit

We are implementing UI design updates in align with WordPress block designs for event edit settings panel.
EventON Block Interactions

With 4.7 we integrated interactive controls for eventON calendar block, that allow you to change yes no values and remove certain calendar parameters easily from the block.
Language UI Update

We have updated the UI and interactions on eventON language settings, to allow easily search text strings and to add translated text easily. We have set a path for AI-generated translated text in future updates.
EventON License Info

We have also updated the license settings UI and information. You can now find more information about licenses once they are activated, so it can be easily transferred between sites.
Icon Selection UI

We have also updated the UI for icon selection in eventON settings. Future updates to eventON addons will integrate these changes as well.
Other Changes
Support page in EventON settings UI update.
Various other known issues were resolved in this update.