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Much appreciate your patience and support for eventON since 2011. This update to EventON took a bit of time as we addressed many known issues. I want to highlight some of those items as this update will pave the way for 4.6.
CSRF Validations
There were several XSS vulnerabilities identified in the previous version and in EventON and EventON Lite we have addressed those to include authorisation and nonce validation for added validations before sending data.
Timezone & Correct Event Times
In the previous version we made changes to the way event time is calculated and there were several issues, which we were able to address in 4.5.5 — All day events will now have correct times according to the timezone for the event. Month and Year long events time calculation has also been corrected according to the event timezone.
Bulk Edit Events
Previously we had yes/no button for bulk edit which was pointed to us by a client that does not work for editing bulk events. We have now switched those to select boxes with option for No change.

Related Events Selection from Event Edit
The query and calculations of related events were not showing events with same times and we addressed that and added an event count as well to search bar, for some added coolness.

WP Query Method in Settings
When we turned to 2024, several of our clients noticed their calendar events were not showing. The reason is, that the WP Query method was set to query only event posts created in 2024, which was none. So we added a new option to query event posts created in the last 12 months as well.

Others & Going Forward
Please find below the complete changelog for various other improvements that were made in 4.5.5. In the new year of 2024, we hope to make some more much-needed refreshes to several of our addons such as Event Slider etc. We are also planning to build several new exciting addons. Also in the cards, is our works for continuous improvements to the eventON code base to improve calendar loading speed. We are throwing the idea of indexing events so events in certain date ranges and criteria can be called up rather quickly as we are seeing how tax queries are rather taxing on some clients’ servers.
Anyway, lots of good stuff is planned and we look forward to continuing EventON presence on the web and around the world for many years to come! Until next update Cheers! Namaskar! Ashan & EventON Team!
Complete Changelog
ADDED: support for sending emails in bcc
ADDED: cronjob to flush error log every 3 months
ADDED: backend sorting option menu_order for events
ADDED: webhooks to pass supported fields
ADDED: custom meta data field type using trumbowig editor
ADDED: option to select which HTTP communication method to use ajax or endpoint
ADDED: WP Query method to support last 12 months
ADDED: WPML backward compatibility with ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE value
ADDED: related events search to have event count
FIXED: inline_styles_scripts() called more than once
FIXED: Full site editing support for events archive page
FIXED: tile gradient background not working for tile style 0
FIXED: hide past events calculation to use UTC0 time
FIXED: zoom api missing error
FIXED: move_ml_yl_to_top() return empty events array
FIXED: EVO_Event() process event times to run month and yearl long filter after uct offset
FIXED: event card open as lightbox not passing et_data values
FIXED: single event page eventtop to have featured image
FIXED: icon selector not working when no icon set
FIXED: custom meta field in multilines not saving HTML correct
FIXED: hide past set in settings not working correct
FIXED: zoom api enabled verification before proceeding with settings
FIXED: get_ics_content() undefined dynamic property
FIXED: XSS vulnerability for custom meta fields on event edit page
FIXED: all day events not updating to correct start end unix time
FIXED: bulk edit events yes no value to select field
FIXED: event edit date picker to select date on picker
FIXED: event edit date picker format match
FIXED: various authorisation and CSRF validations in ajax calls
FIXED: all the related events not appearing in selector
FIXED: Settings save changes button not working in some pages
UPDATED: primary font family to Poppins
UPDATED: moved hide past events settings into time settings section
UPDATED: refactor calendar date range calculation with timezone from settings
UPDATED: load enviroment stats move to lightbox using evo elements
UPDATED: admin settings page layout styles