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December plans for EventON

Published on: December 6,2013

Wanted to write a quick note about whats planning and going to happen during December and heading to a new year for eventON.

First off December 20th is 2 year Anniversary for eventON woo hoo! and I want to thank you all for your support for eventON for the past 2 years for making eventON what it is right now.

I took down geocal addon, because I wanted to further refine its functionality and add a complete google map based events addon, which is coming soon. I also apologize for the minor issues we had following eventON 2.2 and I have been on top fixing those for you guys.

For the coming months I also want to centralize communications for eventON and make it a better experience for you. As of now, priority support forum gets highest attention then google forum and codecanyon message board in that order.

Another addon I want to release for next year is our comprehensive events list addon, so keep an eye out for that.

Until next time, have a great holiday season!

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