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Customizing Email Templates for RSVP Addon

Published on: March 28,2016

One of the biggest needs we are seeing in customers of RSVP addon is the need to customize the email templates that are being sent. You can follow the below instructions to customize and create a child email templates that will not get override with new updates.

Connect to FTP

Browse to RSVP addon folder and templates folder in there.


This folder contains all the email templates that are used by the addon. Open the email template file you want to edit using a text editor.


The top few lines of these templates have instructions on where you can place a child copy of the template. In the above example you can copy the file and paste it in …/wp-content/themes/–themeName–/eventon/template/email/rsvp/ folder.

Customize After Copying

After you copy the email template file that you want to further customize into the child folder. You can freely edit the text and HTML code to your desire.


We would ideally like to convert all the email templates to be able to customize the text using Language Settings in eventON. However for the moment the above solution will allow you to customize text and more importantly the HTML layout of content easily without having to worry about customizations getting overridden by addon update.

Above solution is not only limited to RSVP addon, other addons that use email templates such as tickets addon behave in the same fashion. You can follow the same steps in those cases as well.

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