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Category Archives: Announcements

EventON 2.8

Published on: November 12,2019

in Announcements, New Release

Thank you very much for your patient with the EventON 2.8, I know a lot of customers have been waiting for this for quite sometime now. I am happy to tell you that the new version is ready for public release now and we are going to release this one step at a time later […]

EventON 2.6.6 & Changes to License Terms

Published on: February 13,2018

in Announcements, News

Beginning of this month we released eventON version 2.6.6 which is a bug fix version release with lot of issues we have discovered were answered.   Whats new with 2.6.6 Couple of important changes were the styles for event edit page. We had users having issues with darker meta box layout with darker font making […]

EventON 2.6 and other updates

Published on: September 13,2017

in Announcements, News

EventON 2.6 version update is now up for grabs from codecanyon Along with this we have already released updates to ActionUser, RSVP and Tickets addon. Lets see what all was new with this big number updates! What’s new in 2.6 Event Tiles 2.6 have a lot of fixes for eventon that were nagging users and we […]

EventON 2.5

Published on: January 17,2017

in Announcements, New Release, News

We are so happy to release our newest update to eventON – a much needed update that takes eventon to the next level. We are switching to a new primary font for eventon – Roboto. Which is a more balanced font than our old Oswald font. However oswald is still supported and can be switched […]

ActionUser Plus & Slider Addon

Published on: November 15,2016

in Announcements, New Release

Great news guys we got the slider addon back in the store!!   ActionUser Plus   Lot of people have been asking us for ways to charge users for submitting events. We are sorry we took this long, but the wait is over we now have a new addon for actionUser that will allow you to use […]

Slider addon is removed temporarily

Published on: October 13,2016

in Announcements

We have removed the slider addon from our store temporarily as it was causing several issues for our users and we want to take the time to fix those issues and styles and bring it back as a better product.

EventON 2.4.7 & Addons

Published on: October 10,2016

in Announcements, Update

We recently released eventON 2.4.7 version update fixing bunch of bugs we had encountered from our customers. One of the biggest differences is that we have changed the way location and organizer taxonomy meta data is saved. We have now switching to one wordpress option as oppose to creating individual option for each taxonomy. Once […]

EventON 2.4.5 & Addons

Published on: August 26,2016

in Announcements

Hi guys, exciting news here about improvements to eventON and its addon base. We have been trying to push lot of updates and fixes as soon as we can more frequently. I also want to point out at the moment we are focusing our time on features of eventON calendar itself and I know some […]

Using Event API, Slider & Lists Items Addons

Published on: July 19,2016

in Addons, Announcements

Within the last 2 months we have released couple of new addons for eventON. So I want to talk about those addons and how they can help you in this post. Event API Lot of eventON customers were looking for a way to show their calendar on an external website, and we have gotten a […]

New Support Platform at

Published on: May 23,2016

in Announcements

I would like to let you guys know that we have transitioned into a new support platform, (  that we are going to be using from now on for our foodpress and eventON plugins, instead of Our old support forum was running on bbpress with the help of several other 3rd party plugins and after […]

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