Category Archives: Addons
Event Tickets Addon v 1.0
Published on: October 21,2014
Hello guys, I am super excited to introduce you the newest release of the event tickets addon. I took down all your requests and issues and spend considerable amount of time including those into the addon and making it ever so great. What is new? Your customers can now buy tickets from repeating events The dates […]
Addon Activation is Back Live!
Published on: September 22,2014
in Addons, Announcements
Good new guys, been working with WooCommerce guys and our Addon activation is back live. You should be able to activate eventon addons without any issues at the moment. Peace!
New ActionUser addon update 1.4
Published on: August 19,2014
Guys new ActionUser addon is out now. Lot of good stuff been added that most of you have requested. Please check out the update you can grab is from auto update or from v1.4 (2014-8-19) ADDED: Event Subtitle form field ADDED: User Interaction field to the front form ADDED: Guide to user capabilities list […]
New Event Tickets Addon
Published on: June 27,2014
in Addons, New Release, News
This news update is little late mainly due to the fact I’ve been busy trying to tie in lot of things for eventON and doing updates to landing pages. Anyways, I sent out a newsletter to some of you about the EventTicket addon for eventON, so thank you for opening that email and responding to […]
RSVP Events addon update & new addon page
Published on: June 18,2014
I am super excited to introduce to you the next version of RSVP Events addon. I have been spending lot of time in the past few days ironing things out and adding some amazing featured to this addon. We are bringing this to a whole new level now. Some Amazing Additions Captcha validation […]
Whats in the hut for eventON
Published on: June 13,2014
in Addons, Sneak Peek
Hi guys wanted to write a real news post other than the fixes I’ve been posting. First of all I want to apologize for the fixes I had to issue. You know we test the plugin so many times before releasing updates but those buggers some how get in there. But thats why this news […]
FIX: Eventon Addon activated but not effective
Published on:
If you have eventon installed correctly but your eventON addons still shows a message like Addon activated by not effective please try the solution below to get rid of this bug. Open the main php file inside ../wp-content/plugins/eventon-addon-folder eg. if dailyview the main php file name should be eventon-daily-view.php In this file under _contruct() function right before […]
New Addon to promote single events for EventON
Published on: May 7,2013
I want to introduce you to our newest addon for EventON — The Single Events for Eventon What does it do? Link direct to single events Since version 2.1.8 I have introduced the basic single events page and “../events” archive page templates – loaded via EventON templates. This addon takes the single events page […]