
All News Releases

ActionUser Plus & Slider Addon

Published on: November 15,2016

Great news guys we got the slider addon back in the store!!


ActionUser Plus



Lot of people have been asking us for ways to charge users for submitting events. We are sorry we took this long, but the wait is over we now have a new addon for actionUser that will allow you to use your existing ActionUser addon and start charging users for submitting events.

This is also powered by woocommerce ecommerce solution which will handle the checkout process and collecting money. Because it is powered by woocommerce you can use any payment gateway supported by woocommerce to accept payments.

ActionUser Plus, allow you to set price per event submission, restrict a user to buy one submission, set a capacity for maximum number of submissions you want users to submit. ActionUser Plus also hooks into Event Manager where the users can manage their submitted events.

As with all our addons we are definitely going to be improving this in the coming updates based on our customer reviews and feature requests they might like to see in this addon.

Buy ActionUser Plus Now


Slider Addon

Slider addon had some minor issues and we didnt want users to keep buying the addon with issues so we pulled it off the shop. And we had time to look really close at the issues and make it better again!


We added an all new Mini Carousel type slider of events. All the event slides can be configured to open as lightbox, open in single event page or do nothing.


The Multi Slider is also made to function better now with infinite loops on slides that can run on auto with custom pause times between slide moves.


Checkout Slider Addon


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