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EventON 2.8.7 & New Event Statuses

Published on: March 24,2020

First of all we are deeply sorry for those who are effected by the COVID19 virus around the world. We are seeing lot of events being cancelled or postponed around the world. Our customers using EventON to showcase their events are also effected by these conditions.


With the 2.8.7 update to eventON we have added a new event status feature to update your customers about the status of your events, when they are cancelled or otherwise. This new feature will also add comprehensive SCHEMA data for search engines to pick up about your events – such as google – so their search results can reflect the correct status of the event to your audiences.

On wp-admin side

First things you will notice in the new update is the Event Status section in event details box. New event statuses have their own more details section. By default the event status is set to scheduled.


Each event status will have its own colors and those can be customized by EventON settings > appearance. More information about each status can be added and those will display under the event title in eventTop. We also added support to define if the event location is a offline physical location or a virtual location. For events moved to online can be associated with new virtual location.


Other things

Apart from this we have done several minor bug fixes, you can find complete changelog here. We hope you will find this new update to eventON useful for the current times. Please stay safe and stay home!

EventON Team

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