
All News Releases

EventON 2.8

Published on: November 12,2019

Thank you very much for your patient with the EventON 2.8, I know a lot of customers have been waiting for this for quite sometime now. I am happy to tell you that the new version is ready for public release now and we are going to release this one step at a time later today and tomorrow. Several things before the update.


Backup! very important you backup database and settings, in case something unexpected happens and you have a way to resort back to old versions. If possible install the updates on a clone/staging version of your website before installing the updates on live site.


The new update to eventON effects several eventON addons and they all will receive updates. So when you update to eventON 2.8 make sure to update the necessary addons as well for everything to work correctly. As we fixed compatibility for eventON with addons, we have also improved the design and features of the addons eg. weeklyview and fullcal


EventON 2.8 we have made several code changes with the future vision to load events faster and allow for AJAX based JSON calendar load system for real time calendar interactions in the future. The biggest change is calendar events are now loaded via AJAX when page first load.

Basic events list is been improved and now can be sorted and filtered just like with Events Lists ext. addon. We have also improved the event filter system. The past future events filter can now be used to load events from either past or future and can be filtered afterwards on the frontend.

There is a whole list of issues we have resolved in the new update.  Which can be found at


Be sure to keep an eye out for our newsletter for more information on this 😉

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