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What’s new with EventON 2.2.17

Published on: September 11,2014

New Update Plugin Notice graphic

Hey guys appreciate the wait and so wanted to give the official tour of the 2.2.17 newest version of eventon. I have been working very hard and long hours on this new update perfecting lot of things and fixing lot of issues.


What is new with 2..217


Upto 10 custom meta data fields


I have increased the custom meta data fields count upto 10 and all these fields can now be used through out the eventon calendar.



Event Location and Organizer fields can now be used as sorting options filters


I have added the event location and organizer fields to be able to use in filtering for sort options section for calendars. This will use already stored location and organizer information.


Event Location Image and Location name over the image



I am starting to see more and more text over image style designs and i wanted to incorporate this into our eventon. So this is my first attempt at trying to have text over beautiful pictures of locations.


“Show More Events” button to load events as it goes


Using a shortcode like [add_eventon show_limit=”yes” event_count=”3″ ]

you can show only 3 events and Show more events button so that your website viewers can click on this button to reveal the rest of the events with an increments. This will still load all the events on page load but will hide extra events.

Check out rest of changes


I will be  online on chat for the most part today trying to help you guys with any issues that you may experience with the new update. Oh and by the way the beautiful picture used in eventon 2.2.17 comes from

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