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Behind scene: activating license for eventON

Published on: August 26,2013

Lot of our eventON customers have been experiencing issues when activating license for eventON. Let me uncover what is happening behind the scene here and what we are planning to do to solve this. Learn more on how to activate eventON.


What are the advantages of activating eventON license?

Features of eventON are NOT restricted by license activation. (well…at least not for the moment) However activating license will give you the ability to download new updates for eventON plugin directly from your website without having to go to envato download.


“Can not activate, please try again later”

License activation rely on envato purchase key verifier API — meaning it will connect to envato API and check it the purchase key is valid. We use this API to check for valid purchase key everytime someone try to download a new update. When there are so many requests are made to envato API (we assume) it times out and don’t respond to purchase key verification requests and that’s why you get this error saying to try again later.


What we plan to do

We are hoping in the future to build a new system that will not rely heavily on envato API to verify license key — and replace that with reliance on out eventON server.


In the meantime, we kindly asked you to please try again at a later time to activate your license of eventON.

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