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This bundle comes with 7 essential EventON addons that will allow you to take your event calendar to the next level!
Bundle Details
Included Addons: Event Lists: Ext, Full Cal, Events Map, Event Slider, Action User, RSVP Events, Event Tickets
Bundle Discount: 15% of total addon price.
All license types are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time from My Account and are subject to yearly license for support and updates. View Terms.
Event Lists Ext., FullCal, Events Map, Event Slider, ActionUser, RSVP, and Tickets addon.
Use the Event Lists Ext. addon to show next X number of events regardless of the month, all past events, all upcoming events or events in a given date range and many more possibilities.
With custom map markers and info windows, the Map addon will help showcase all your events on one map. If you have a multitude of map markers for one location, create a cluster to display a neatly organized map. In addition, the map will auto pan to events for a user friendly experience.
Allow users to RSVP to your events with various customizable options ranging from logged-in user only RSVP, maximum party size, guest list, RSVP from eventtop and many other amazing features.